security engineer

Security Engineer

As a security engineer, you will be tasked with ensuring that GRNET infrastructure, services, peers and users remain adequately protected. You will be assisting the development and implementation of security controls to mitigate risks and threats but also participating in daily security operational tasks.
TECHNICAL SKILLS ( Experience in at least two of the following areas):
Network Security: Have you deployed Snort or Bro in a large-ish network and managed to get actionable information from it? Have you used Wireshark to analyze malicious traffic or Scapy to craft your own malicious packets? Do you have experience with next gen firewalls?
Web Application Security: Have you performed manual/automated code audits in a large codebase? Can you identify and exploit an SQL injection vulnerability without using sqlmap? Burp Suite or OWASP ZAP for security testing? Can you use an XSS vulnerability for something more than an alert popup ?
Incident Response & Security Monitoring: Do you have a experience working in a Security Operations Center? Have you successfully deployed or worked with a SIEM solution handling more than a few Windows desktop PCs? Have you dealt with security incidents that required quick mitigation and extensive root cause analysis?
Identity and Access Management: Are you familiar with Authentication and Authorization protocols such as oAuth, OpenID Connect and SAML? RBAC or ABAC? Reverse proxy or agents?
Development consulting : Are you familiar with security principles for Software Engineering? Can you help developers build security in throughout the Software Development Life Cycle?
Previous involvement in a Computer Emergency Response Team / Computer Security and Incident Response Team
Experience with Flow monitoring
Experience in less technical aspects of information security such as design of policies/procedures and/or user training
Have you developed your own security tools or have you submitted effort in any Open Source projects? We’d love to know about it
Responsible and reliable
Fast learner
Ability to work in teams
Creative problem solving
SKILL CHECK (please address this in the cover letter and be prepared to elaborate during interview):
What’s the most interesting security issue you have come across and how did you deal with it.
BENEFITS (may be offered in the context of a permanent collaboration):
Travel budget for conferences
Parking space and lunch
Apply by simply sending your CV and cover letter to vacancies at