The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Expands Access to eduroam Roaming Service

The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is the first Greek institution to expand campus-wide access to eduroam, the world-wide roaming access service, over its wi-fi infrastructure. With the support of the Greek Research & Technology Network (GRNET), seventy new wireless access points have been installed across University locations; thus serving the increasing needs of students, researchers and teachers for mobility, and facilitating their access to the Internet.
eduroam is provided as a result of research and innovation by GÉANT, the leading community collaboration on network and related infrastructure and services for the benefit of research and education. eduroam offers its users easy and secure wireless access to digital services, simply by using the single identity which is provided by their home institution. eduroam uses secure authentication of user data to provide strong access security. This eliminates the need to create guest wi-fi accounts or to share usernames and passwords insecurely. eduroam creates a world-wide framework for collaboration that enhances the mobility of users, since they gain Internet access when visiting other institutions that support the service.
Soon campus wide eduroam will be further expanded to 25 additional universities and technological institutions in the country, with the instalment of more than 700 wireless access points.
The action to expand eduroam access points across Greek institutions is funded by the Operational Programme “Digital Convergence” and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).