Vacancies for Professional Technology Manipulators a.k.a sysadmins

Summary of open positions:

  • Junior System Administrator (1-2 years of experience)
  • Advanced System Administrator (3-5 years of experience)
  • Senior System Administrator (6+ years of experience)

System Administrators Openings

GRNET operates a plethora of innovative services currently hosted in two datacenters. Soon, our infrastructure will further expand and occupy three brand new datacenters.

In this context, we are looking for GNU/Linux, or UNIX sysadmins who are enthusiastic with new technologies, keen in becoming members of a well established team, eager on involving in mass scale deployments and ready to respond to support requests with clarity and accuracy. Be prepared to interact with complex and demanding systems that provide services to hundreds of thousands of clients.

Junior sysadmin

As a Junior sysadmin you will need to be able to follow directions and well-established procedures and address day-to-day operation issues.

Technical skills (provable experience with at least 2 of the following points):

  1. Experience with Web Services: apache2 or nginx (vhosts/HTTPS/static vs dynamic content);
  2. Experience with DNS Services: bind or powerdns (master-slave setup, recursive/authoritative);
  3. Databases: MySQL or MariaDB or PostgreSQL installation/configuration;
  4. Networking: TCP/IP, IP and route management with cli tools, subnetting, iptables;
  5. Programming: Shell scripting/Python;
  6. Monitoring: Munin or monit.

Soft Skills:

  • Technology enthusiast
  • Ability to work in teams
  • Good verbal and written use of Greek and English Languages

Skill Check (please addres this in the cover letter and be prepared to elaborate during interview):

Tell us why you think GRNET is right place for you to start your career.

Advanced sysadmin

As an advanced sysadmin you’ll have to automate repetitive tasks, deploy various application updates on weekly or even daily basis, monitor hosts and services for performance issues, organize upgrades for hundreds of servers, improve security of infrastructure and applications, etc. You will also participate in the design and deployment of new services.

Technical skills (provable experience with at least 4 of the aforementioned points plus experience with at least 4 of the following points:

  1. Experience in supporting LAMP stack;
  2. Reverse proxying/load balancing with nginx or haproxy;
  3. Databases: MySQL or PostgreSQL replication;
  4. Virtualization: KVM or Xen (libvirt or proxmox);
  5. Configuration Management: Puppet or Chef or Salt or Ansible or Bosh;
  6. Programming: Perl or Python or Ruby;
  7. Server Backups: backupninja or Attic or duplicity or bacula;
  8. Solid Linux networking experience: complex firewalling, VPN setups with multiple interfaces (v4/v6), sysctl tuning, debugging with tcpdump/wireshark;
  9. Monitoring systems: Nagios or Icinga or Zabbix or Sensu.

Bonus points:

  1. Experience with storage technologies (NFS,iSCSI,FC);
  2. Experience with IPv6;
  3. Experience with graphing/metrics: collectd or graphite or grafana or influxDB or prometheus or OpenTSDB;
  4. Experience with ticketing systems/collaboration platforms.
  5. An open repository (github) account hosting your work would be positively considered.

Soft Skills:

  • Responsible and reliant
  • Ability to work in teams
  • Creativity and problem solving

Skill Check (please address this in the cover letter and be prepared to elaborate during interview):

  • Tell us a story where you fixed an interesting engineering problem.

Senior sysadmin

As a senior sysadmin you will have to design and support complex architectures and undertake and coordinate large sysadmin projects, involving several people or teams.

Technical skills (Provable experience with at least 5 of the aforementioned points plus experience with at least 2 of the following points):

  1. Databases: MySQL or PostgreSQL High Availability setups;
  2. Virtualization: ganeti or OpenStack or VMWare Clusters;
  3. Configuration Management: Scaling Puppet or Chef or Salt or Ansible to >50 servers;
  4. Proxying/Caching: Haproxy or Varnish;
  5. Linux Bridging-Bonding or OpenvSwitch or SDN setup.

Bonus points:

  1. Debian packaging;
  2. Experience with storage systems/tape libraries (EMC or NetApp);
  3. Experience with Continuous Integration/Delivery setups;
  4. Experience with distributed storage systems and network RAID (RADOS, GlusterFS, GPFS, DRBD);
  5. Experience with containers: docker, kubernetes;
  6. Experience with distributed systems: etcd, consul, zookeeper;
  7. Experience with large scale log parsing: ELK stack, Splunk;
  8. Experience with automating large scale monitoring systems;
  9. Experience with designing systems for >1000 users.
  10. An open repository (github) account hosting your work would be also positively considered.

Soft Skills:

  • Responsible and reliant
  • Creativity and problem solving
  • Decision making; ability to influence and coordinate

Skill Check (please address this in the cover letter and be prepared to elaborate during interview):

  • You have an afternoon shift (12:00-20:00) and you read on the Internet that there’s a new TLS vulnerability and packages are coming out at 19:00 GR time. What do you do (“praying” is not an acceptable answer)

How to apply:

Please send your application no longer than October 12th, 2015, to

All applications must include:

  • A cover letter  (strongly recommended) that addresses the requirements and skills outlined above
  • CV