Expansion of the Eudoxus electronic service

Επέκταση της ηλεκτρονικής υπηρεσίας Εύδοξος
O.P. "Public Sector Reform"
18/11/2021- 31/12/2023

The project "Electronic Services for the Management of the Distribution of University Textbooks - Eudoxus Expansion " includes the expansion and upgrade of the “EUDOXUS” service.

The project aims at expanding and upgrading the process of distributing academic textbooks to students of all Universities and Higher Ecclesiastical Academies in Greece, and meeting the conditions for a safe transition to the electronic textbooks’ era.

The main functionalities that will be offered by the upgrade of the "EUDOXUS" distribution system are the following:

  • Supporting publishers so that they are able to provide textbooks in a secure digital format.
  • the possibility for students of the same Institution to exchange textbooks by exchanging Credit Units.
  • the creation of a flexible mechanism regulating the cost of distributing university textbooks based on the Ministry of Education.
  • the gradual interconnection of the Central Information System (CIS) with the individual and differentiated Information Systems of the Secretariats (SIS) in order to optimize the process of declaring courses and textbooks and to automate the control of declarations.
  • the creation of a mobile device application where students could manage their account by smart phones or tablets.
  • the upgrading of the payment system for university textbooks publishers.
  • the upgrade of the pricing process and provision of relevant electronic process (publisher application, pricing application).
  • the production of special staff reports, easily customizable, to provide complex operational information regarding textbook distribution.
  • the implementation of the necessary organizational and technical measures for the protection of personal data of the "EUDOXUS" users.
  • the provision of supporting services to Academic institutions and "EUDOXUS" users.
  • the upgrade of the Secretariats Information System (SIS) to achieve uninterrupted operation and to serve a greater number of simultaneous users and requests without problems.

Upon the completion of the project, it will be possible to provide digital textbooks to students, whereas the procedures shall become automatic thus further facilitating the work of all EUDOXUS service users.

The project is implemented within the framework of the O.P. "Public Sector Reform" and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and National resources.