GRNET Rules of Use

Scope and services provided

National Infrastructures for Technology and Research GRNET S.A. is the Public Hellenic Academic and Research Network. The purpose of GRNET is to provide advanced and high-quality networking and Internet access services to public universities (Universities and Technological Educational Institutions -TEI), Research and other organizations (hereinafter collectively referred to as “GRNET Organizations”). GRNET is a non-commercial, public, national, backbone network, with points of presence in major Greek cities, where GRNET organizations are located. The term “non-commercial” means that GRNET provides its services not driven by commercial activities or the “Market” but with the purpose of:

  • promoting education, research and technology,
  • promoting the use of GRNET services by the aforementioned organizations for research and/or educational purposes.

GRNET’s activities allow to finance the cost of development, maintenance and operation of the network and its services as well as to create a reserve fund for future upgrading of the services provided. The services offered to GRNET organizations include:

  • Full Internet Interconnection (IP v4 and IP v6): connection and backbone network and access optimization services (routing) to all Greek and international Internet Providers (IP) without any restrictions or limitations, for all lawful services, current or future, as they consider right and optimal without GRNET having any knowledge or bearing any responsibility for the content of the transmitted information.
  • Guaranteed service quality – QoS compliant to the requirements set by the organizations, the capacities of the backbone network and the interconnected organizations, and the services provided by the Pan-European Research Network GÉANT
  • Application services (servers management, email backup, online news, live streaming of television programs, name giving service, central synchronization service NTP)
  • Information support services – directory services, Central Certification Infrastructure services, Central User Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI) services, as well as collaborative web tools services for the management thereof.
  • User helpdesk services, small business support, ticketing services, computer security incident response services (CERT or CSIRT).
  • Student DSL Service (ΦDSL) and Multicast Service
  • Voice transmission service, cross-network telephony (in collaboration with GUnet), teleconferencing using MCU, teleconferencing with high video and audio resolution, and data streaming (RTS) of any kind
  • Bandwidth-On-Demand services, switching circuits service via DWDM or SDH for organizations connected to GRNET-3 DWDM from and to other GRNET organizations as well as to adjacent networks such as GÉANT and Internet2.

Within its scope, GRNET agrees to operate as a platform for the application of new or experimental technologies, on the condition that, the provision of its basic “production” services is not affected.

Connected networks

  1. Networks pertaining to GRNET organizations may connect to GRNET:
  • directly, all internal networks of the highest public educational organizations (Universities and Technological Institutes TEI)
  • all primary and secondary schools through the Panhellenic School Access Network.
  • all Research Institutions, as well as Organizations and Centers of the wider Public Sector, supervised or not supervised by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT).
  • the General Secretariat for Research and Technology
  • some Ministries and Public Organizations directly related to the above, such as for example the Ministries of Education, National Economy and Development, and the Greek Parliament.
  1. GRNET reserves the right to provide/accept limited services to/from other networks, on the condition that the provision of these services does not violate its non-commercial nature and benefits directly all connected networks. In this sense:
  • it provides Internet networks interconnection services to the wider Greek network community, by installing and maintaining Internet Network Nodes.
  • provides limited interconnection to Research and Development departments or training departments of other organizations
  • accepts limited interconnection in order to provide the Greek academic-research community with content and services relevant to their needs. This can be accomplished in any way that is considered more appropriate, either through an interconnection node or through a GRNET organization.

In case of violation of any of the aforementioned fundamental rules, GRNET is entitled, upon giving an appropriate official warning, to suspend the connection of the infringing network until it becomes compliant.

GRNET usage rules

  1. In order to connect to the network, each GRNET organization shall accept the installation of an access switch at its central node, where the access optical fiber (or any other connection) incoming from the nearest GRNET network node, shall end. The responsibility of the access switch management lies with the GRNET distributed network management center in cooperation with the center or the manager of the organization.
  2. Users of the GRNET services must comply with the written and unwritten – customary rules governing the use of Internet (e.g “netiquette”) and in general with the use of telephone and computer networks. Therefore, it is not allowed to perform via GRNET, inter allia any of the following:
  • Any attempt to violate (successfully or not) the security of GRNET computer systems, as well as those of connected organizations – networks and third-party networks, irrespective of whether such attempt is associated or not with data loss;
  • The attempt to violate (successfully or not) the user’s privacy through GRNET;
  • The attack (successful or not) for the purpose of achieving a denial of service (denial-of-service attacks) by GRNET, its connected organizations-networks and any third-party networks;
  • The overload and unreasonable use of GRNET’s or any other network’s computer and network resources;
  • Sending bulk e-mail without it being requested by the recipients (E-Mail spam)
  • Any use of network resources and computer systems in such ways that may pose a threat to national security and the country’s relations with third countries.
  • The use of network resources and computer systems for illegal activities.
  • The use of network resources for the infringement (by way of production, publication or distribution of material) of the copyright of any rightful owner thereof.

3.The academic – research, non – commercial nature of GRNET implies that it is allowed to provide free services mainly for the benefit of the Greek Academic – Research community and as a result of the entire Internet. At the same time, it means that:

  • it is not allowed to circulate over GRNET, information whose sender or recipient are commercial entities or networks that do not pertain to the aforementioned or to their foreign counterparts.
  • it is not allowed to carry out any commercial activities through GRNET. Such activities include the sale of goods or services, space/capacity sublease and advertising, by any connected networks or third parties. Online purchase of goods by users of the networks connected to GRNET is excluded.
  • it is not allowed to use GRNET for purposes other than research and education as mentioned above.

Non-compliance with the above, shall entitle GRNET SA, upon giving prior, appropriate official notice, to suspend the connection of the infringing GRNET organization, until it complies. Organizations connected to GRNET must adopt their own internal permitted usage policies, compatible with those of GRNET.

Limitation of Liability – Force Majeure

In the occurrence of “force majeure events “, including any circumstances, that clearly and proven are beyond the control and responsibility of GRNET, then GRNET shall not be held liable to pay any damages for the failure to provide advanced and high-quality networking services and Internet access to GRNET organizations. The non- fulfillment of the obligation to provide the agreed services during the aforementioned suspension period, may not give rise to any right or claim in favor or against the above organizations or any individual GRNET user. All terms and conditions of the present GRNET usage rules, without any exception, as well as any matters and/or relations resulting therefrom shall be subject to the applicable legislation of the country and any disputes arising therefrom shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent courts of Athens.