Assessment Report of the co-organisation and participation of GFOSS and GRNET at the TechFuse 2024 Bridging Technology, Innovation and Culture, 5-6 April 2024

TechFuse, a two-day, annual conference happening for the first time in Greece in the cultural space “Dimitris Chatzis” in Ioannina took place from 5 to 6 April 2024, with the aim to bridge technology with innovation and culture.

The conference was co-organized by the Non-Profit “Innovation and Digital Economy Hub” and the C.Ioannina coworking space community, and is endorsed by local and international public and private organisations.


The panel discussion was moderated by Alexandros Melidis, General Manager of the Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS)

The following topics, among others, were presented:

  • The key milestones in the development of Greece as a smart state.
  • The technologies and infrastructures that are necessary for the implementation of the smart state.
  • The ways to ensure privacy and data protection in a smart state.
  • The skills needed by citizens and public servants in the context of digital transformation.

Watch the panel discussion “How Greece is becoming a smart state?” below:

Watch the recordings of the two-day conference in the links below through the live web streaming service Diavlos by GRNET:

Friday 5 April 2024: English
Saturday 6 April 2024: English

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