World Quantum Day: GRNET, Greece’s NREN and HellasQCI coordinator, participate in an online InfoSession organised by GÉANT GN5-1 project, on April 14th, 2023

In the context of World Quantum Day, GÉANT organises an online Quantum Technologies InfoSession, on April 14th, at 10:30 CET.

The event is addressed to academics, researchers, postgraduate students & industry members who work or research in the field of quantum communications, and/or are involved in a sector which can benefit from quantum technologies.

Experts from several European National Research & Education Networks (NRENs) will present their activities and projects related to quantum technologies. Through short, lightning-talk presentations, participants will be able to find out about the current status of NRENs’ Quantum technology activities, ongoing projects, meet the NREN experts and get navigated through the Quantum ecosystem.

At 12:00 CET, Dr. Ilias Papastamatiou, Senior Project Manager at GRNET’s European Infrastructures & Projects Directorate and HellasQCI project coordinator, will present Greece’s national Quantum Communication Infrastructure (HellasQCI) and its use-cases.

The event offers the opportunity for discussions, exchange of best practices and expertise and create synergies in the field of Quantum technologies between the NRENs and the National QCIs (National Quantum Communication Infrastructures) of Greece (HellasQCI), Poland (PIONIER-Q), Ireland (IrelandQCI), Croatia (CroQCI), Romania (RoNaQCI) and Czech Republic (CZQCI).

The InfoSession is organised by the GÉANT GN5-1 project.

Participation is free of charge.

Find the full Agenda and Register here.