Centralized Internship Support system for Greek Higher Education Students

ATLAS is a centralized online service which interconnects companies that open internship positions with all academic institutions in Greece by creating a single database, accessible from all institutions and students, thus enhancing the institution of internship.

By using the system the process of internship is simplified, as open positions are submitted once, and they are automatically made available to all institutions and departments that the host company addresses. Then the institutions’ office responsible of the internship process (Internship Offices, Liaison Offices, etc.), may search for open positions and assign them to students. Students may also search and track the internship position of their preference.

ATLAS contributes in the enhancement of the Internship institution as it ensures equal access of all enterprises and organizations in the internship process and it facilitates students in their search for open positions.


ΑΤΛΑΣ: Πρακτική Άσκηση Φοιτητών ΑΕΙ


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