GRNET at Health

Digital Capability for Health

GRNET provides innovative e-services and e-Infrastructures to hospitals, blood centers and blood donor services. It offers high speed internet connection to public hospitals (1Gbps to 10 Gbps), ensuring fast and secure storage, access and data exchange and high-speed secured network connection with the world’s leading research centers. GRNET infrastructures and services in this field indicatively include: the creation of a new advanced data center for Health sector based within the University of Crete ensuring fast and secure storage and retrieval of medical imaging data, the development of a wireless wi-fi access service and roaming network (eduroam), a directory of hospital users for secure service access (AAI-DELOS, Directory Service), central e-services for the management of national blood donors registrations and the issue of a blood donor ID (EMA) through modern, reliable and user-friendly procedures for the blood donors, the blood donor services and the blood centers of the country, the development and availability of a medical online inter-library loan service for medical articles (DIADOSIS), a backup storage service and remote access to imaging data (Harmoni), as well as the development of an Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning system for rapid and reliable diagnosis of Covid-19 through medical imaging. The above GRNET actions empower the scientific hospital staff in conducting their research and medical work. At the same time, the overall citizen experience is significantly improved whereas valuable resources are saved for the Greek State.

GRNET infrastructures and services in the field of Health: