Smart Attica European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) is the first EDIH for Artificial Intelligence in Greece and operates in three critical business sectors of the Greek economy:
- Energy & Environment,
- Supply chain & Mobility,
- Culture & Tourism.
Smart Attica focuses on the digital transformation of SMEs and public sector organizations and aims to advance their digital maturity. The EDIH will offer four types of innovation services in the following categories:
- test before invest,
- innovation ecosystem and networking opportunities,
- skills and training,
- support to find investment.
Smart Attica will provide the appropriate framework and expert guidance to the organizations, allowing them to apply new tools and innovative business models and assess the technical and business potential of their concepts. Smart Attica services will build upon the Hub's expertise on Artificial Intelligence, supported by the HPC & Cybersecurity partnership's know-how. The services will integrate the human-centric, ethics-by-design European AI vision and infuse resilience and sustainability considerations across service provision. Smart Attica’s expected impact includes:
- Acceleration of the digital transformation of SMEs & public sector organisations in the Attica region/ Increase digital maturity of the region
- Enhancement of SMEs competitiveness locally & across the EU
- Contribution to the digital transformation at a national level / Replicate successful pilots to other regions that the Hub has establishments
- Enhancement of the position of Attica & Greece in the context of Digital Transformation
- Enhancement of the Environmental Transformation of companies, public organizations & territories in Attica & Greece
GRNET participates in the project as a member of a consortium of 17 partners, including: the National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos" , the Athens University of Economics and Business , the National Technical University of Athens , the Institute of Communication & Computer Systems of the National Technical University of Athens , the Athena Research Centre , the National Documentation Centre , the National Infrastructures for Research and Technology , the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens , the National Bank of Greece , Found.ation , the Growthfund , the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises , the Onassis Foundation , the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels , the Athens Development and Destination Management Agency , Uni.Fund Venture Capital Management Company and the Regional Development Fund of Attica . Linkedin Youtube
The project is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.