Hellenic Distributed Ledger Technology Infrastructure – ELEDGER

Hellenic Distributed Ledger Technology Infrastructure – ELEDGER
European Commission / Innovation And Networks Executive Agency (INEA)

The project “Hellenic Distributed Ledger Technology Infrastructure – ELEDGER” aims at establishing a solid pillar for the development and spreading of the European Blockchain Partnership (EBP) initiative in Greece and supporting the participation and contribution of Greek stakeholders to the European Blockchain Service Infrastructure (EBSI), in particular, with regard to the European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework (ESSIF), and the Diplomas, Notarization and Asylum use cases.

Specifically, the project covers:

   EBSI infrastructure development and operations by supporting the setup and operation of a new Greek EBSI node, and the operation of a second Greek EBSI node, already deployed;

   Provision of services by the form of use cases for the European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework (ESSIF), Diplomas, Notarization and Asylum.

 •   EBSI capacity building and training activities for a wide range of stakeholders (e.g., national authorities, universities, companies, public bodies, and semi-governmental organizations);

   Communication and blockchain community building in Greece with the aim to raise awareness of EBSI and EBSI use cases and disseminate the results of the Action.

As a result of this project, the roll out of the EBSI (including 4 relevant use cases) will be supported in Greece, allowing delivery of cross-border public services based on the blockchain technology and enhancing the way citizens, government and businesses interact.  For instance, universities will be able to issue diploma certificates for bachelor and master alumni and asylum agencies will be able to issue asylum application certificates. Additionally, all the users will be able to utilise notarization services and exchange documents with other citizens, universities or asylum administrators.  Utilising a single point of access interface, all users will be able to send requests, receive notifications, issue certificates and permits, verify credentials and check certificates’ validity, notarize documents and check their validity, including all cross-border interactions.

ELEDGER is implemented by GRNET S.A. (coordinator) and its partner, the Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas (CERTH).