DICE – Data Infrastructure Capacity for EOSC

DICE – Data Infrastructure Capacity for EOSC
01/01/2021 - 30/06/2023

The project “DICE – Data Infrastructure Capacity for EOSC” aims to enable a European storage and data management infrastructure for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), providing generic services and building blocks to store, find, access and process data in a consistent and persistent way.

DICE project brings together a network of computing and data centres, research infrastructures, and data repositories. This network is the European backbone for data storage and management, and main part of the European Data Infrastructure (EDI), featuring a suite of state-of-the-art research data management services designed in close collaboration with research communities.

DICE objectives include:

  • the increase of storage resources available to researchers by scaling-out the EOSC Portal;
  • the integration of the current service offering with computing infrastructure, in order to support the entire research data lifecycle;
  • to provide services fully interoperable with other INFRAEOSC projects.

GRNET provides infrastructure, resources and services (B2SAFE, B2HANDLE, AGORAARGO MonitoringARGO Messaging), available to researchers through EOSC. In addition, GRNET is responsible for the completion of main EOSC tools-services, such as those provided by GRNET: ARGO Monitoring, AGORA and ARGO Messaging. GRNET also participates in tasks regarding security aspects.



YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChCTORr2JvRAihEaILikFrQ/featured

The project is implemented by 24 partners: CINECA (coordinator-Italy), ASTRON (Netherlands), BSC (Spain), CESNET (Czech Republic), CSC (Finland), CyI (Cyprus), DataCite (Germany), DKRZ (Germany), ETHZ (Switzerland), EUDAT (Finland), Forschungszentrum Juelich Gmbh (Germany),  GRNET (Greece), IT4I (Czech Republic), KIT (Germany), MPG (Germany), GWDG (Germany), KNAW (Netherlands), INFN (Italy), SIGMA (Norway), SNIC (Sweden), SURF BV (Netherlands), TRUST (Italy), UCL (United Kingdom), ULUND (Sweden)