Copernicus – EOSC AnaLytics Engine (C-SCALE)

Copernicus – EOSC AnaLytics Engine (C-SCALE)
01/01/2021 - 30/06/2023

The project “Copernicus-EOSC AnaLytics Engine: C-SCALE” serves European researchers, institutions and initiatives by making the EU Copernicus programme data, tools, resources and services easier to discover, access and share.

The C-SCALE project aims to federate European earth observation (EO) infrastructure services. The federation shall capitalise on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) capacity and capabilities to support Copernicus research and operations with large and easily accessible European computing environments, allowing the rapid scaling and sharing of EO data among a large community of users by increasing the service offering of the EOSC Portal.

By making such a scalable Big Copernicus Data Analytics federated services available through EOSC Portal and linking the problems and results with experience from other research disciplines, C-SCALE will help to support the EO sector in its development and furthermore will enable the integration of EO data into other existing and future domains within EOSC. C-SCALE will enable the deploying of custom workflows to quickly and easily generate meaningful results. The project will deliver a blueprint, setting up an interaction model between service providers to facilitate interoperability between commercial and public cloud infrastructure.

GRNET provides services and infrastructures (HPC, Cloud Computing & Storage), as well as access to satellite data of Copernicus.

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The project is implemented by 11 partners: EODC (coordinator, Austria), Associacao INCD (Portugal), CESNET (Czech Republic), CloudFerro (Poland), Deltares (Netherlands), EGI (Netherlands), GRNET (Greece), INFN (Italy), SURF-BV (Netherlands), TU Wien (Austria), VITO (Belgium)