EGI-ACE: Advanced Computing for EOSC

EGI-ACE: Advanced Computing for EOSC
01/01/2021 - 30/06/2023

The “EGI-ACE: Advanced Computing for EOSC” main goal is to implement the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Compute Platform and contribute to the EOSC Data Commons by delivering integrated computing platforms, data spaces and tools as an integrated solution that is aligned with major European cloud federation projects and HPC initiatives.

The EOSC Compute Platform is built on the EGI Federation, the largest distributed computing infrastructure for research. The platform will evolve beyond the state of the art through a data-centric approach, where data, tools and compute and storage facilities form a fully integrated environment accessible across borders thanks to virtual access.

The project will offer to EOSC users broad access to IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service) services. Furthermore, EGI-ACE empowers researchers from all disciplines to collaborate in data- and compute-intensive research across borders through free at point of use services.

GRNET contributes to the integrated services management with emphasis on security aspects by offering services about monitoring availability and reliability of e-Infrastructures (ARGO – Availability and Reliability Monitoring & Messaging) and about authentication and authorization infrastructures for users (AAI – Authentication Authorization Infrastructure).

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The project is implemented by 33 partners: EGI (coordinator- Netherlands), AGH/AGH-UST (Poland), Associacao INCD (Portugal), BITP (Ukraine), CERN (Switzerland), CESNET (Czech Republic), CIRMMP (Italy), CMCC (Italy), CNRS (France), CSIC (Spain), DESY (Germany), EISCAT (Sweden), EMSO ERIC (Italy), EnhanceR (Switzerland), GRNET (Greece), IASA (Greece), IFIN-HH (Romania), IICT-BAS (Bulgaria), IISAS (Slovakia), IJS (Slovenia), INFN (Italy), LIP (Portugal), LNEC (Portugal), MARIS (Netherlands), NWO-I (Netherlands), SCIENSANO (Belgium), SRCE (Croatia), SURF BV (Netherlands), SZTAKI (Hungary), TUBITAK (Turkey), TU Wien (Austria), UKIM (North Macedonia), UKRI (United Kingdom)