EOSC Future

EOSC Future
1/4/2021 – 31/3/2024

EOSC Future aims to promote EOSC portal and unlock the potential of European research via a vision of Open Science for Society. EOSC Future will interconnect and integrate digital infrastructures, Open Science national initiatives and research communities to EOSC, aiming to further enhance the EOSC Portal, EOSC-Core and EOSC Exchange.

GRNET’s main responsibility under the EOSC Future project is the development of tools for data collection (accounting, monitoring and topology) from EOSC services providers. Furthermore, GRNET participates in tasks relevant with the definition of interoperability specifications for services providers with EOSC and the development, support and operation of the EOSC-Core services. Indicatively, these tasks concern EOSC Architecture design governance & Interoperability Framework, Developing guidelines for operational services of the EOSC Core, EOSC Front Office: Requirement Analysis, AI-Enhanced User Experience, Connecting resources to EOSC and expanding EOSC Registries across domains,  EOSC Federated Authorization and Authentication, elivering EOSC services training, European outreach (coordinating Western Balkans engagement).

The project is funded by Horizon 2020, European research infrastructures (including e-Infrastructures), H2020-INFRAEOSC-2018-2020 – Implementing the European Open Science Cloud.

Follow EOSC Future project, stay informed and connected:

Twitter:  @EOSCFuture 

Linkedin: EOSCFuture

The project is implemented by 34 partners: TGB (coordinator, Belgium), Arctik (Belgium), Athena (Greece), BBMRI (Austria), CERN (Switzerland),  CESSDA (Norway), CLARIN (Netherlands), CNRS (France), Cyfronet (Poland), DARIAH (France), DESY (Germany), EATRIS (Netherlands), EGI (Netherlands), EMBL (Germany), EPOS (Italy), ESRF (France), EUDAT (Finland), FAU (Germany), GÉANT (Netherlands), GRNET (Greece), ICOS (Finland), ILL (France), INFN (Italy), KIT (Germany), LIFEWATCH (Spain), MARIS (Netherlands), OpenAIRE (Greece), PSI (Switzerland), PSNC (Poland), RDA (Belgium), SNS (Italy), TRUST-IT (Italy), UGOE (Germany), UVA (Netherlands)