GLASS Policy Workshop; Exploring common grounds between DC4EU and the GLASS project

Glass policy workshop

On Thursday, October 5, 2023, DC4EU representatives were invited to the GLASS Policy Workshop in the University of Patras,
The goal of the event was to promote the exploration of common grounds between the GLASS project and DC4EU. During the Q&A session and open discussion that followed the presentations, stakeholders delved into the areas where GLASS and DC4EU intersect and explored common grounds.

Within the framework of cooperation with other cross-border related European projects, GRNET’s DC4EU representatives, namely Thodoris Papadopoulos and Nikos Gasparis, gave two unique presentations.

Thodoris Papadopoulos talked about the European wallet service, the respective legal regulations, and the European Digital Identity Wallet Architecture.
Nikos Gasparis presented the DC4EU project, in detail.

The slot where the presentation was integrated was titled:
DC4EU Presentation / EUIDIW presentation and Joint Activities:
A presentation of the project and common grounds with GLASS”.

DC4EUprovides tangible support to the public and private sectors in the educational and social security domains by deploying and accessing state-of-the-art trans-European interoperable digital service infrastructures and their integration in a cross-border trust framework.

GLASS introduces novel governance services facilitating free movement to citizens and businesses, producing strong social, societal, economic, technological, and scientific impact.

The joint presentation by DC4EU and GLASS representatives at the GLASS Policy Workshop provided an opportunity for stakeholders to learn more about both projects and to explore common grounds. The discussion that followed the presentations was productive and informative.

The DC4EU and GLASS projects share many similarities.
Both projects are focused on developing digital solutions that benefit citizens and businesses and are committed to cross-border cooperation. The joint presentation was a valuable opportunity to strengthen the existing ties between the two projects and explore ways to collaborate in the future.

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