Persistent Identifiers Service

Persistent Identifiers Service

The service concerns the management of persistent IDs. A persistent identifier is a unique number – or a unique string that is assigned to a resource and constitutes its permanent web address no matter where it is stored. This ID remains constant over time for each resource, even if the system in which it is stored is changed or transferred to new equipment. The respective system that hosts the resource has the task of maintaining the persistent ID, so that it can be used safely when it is referred to.

How it works

The service connects to the distributed Handle system and provides the ability to create and search for unique handles. The service incorporates a programming interface (RESTful API) for its easier use by third-party applications. The interface supports rendering, management, retrieval, and resolving of permanent IDs. Account creation is required to perform the above functions.

The service is provided within the ePIC – PID Concortium. EPIC was established in 2009 by a consortium of European partners to provide PID services to the European Research Community, based on the TM management system, for the management of permanent IDs. The consortium signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in order to provide a reliable service.

PiD service