
Earth Observation Data hosting service

As part of the Copernicus Earth observation program implemented by ESA on behalf of the EU, the project “The Sentinels Rolling Archive Products User Access Service” is a comprehensive service provided by a Consortium coordinated by Serco S.p.A. ( having signed a 5-year contract as a prime contractor with the European Space Agency, which expires in January 2021.

As part of this project, EDYTE provides high speed internet services and storage and distribution of Copernicus image products serving the infrastructure of a) Sentinel open access hub and b) Information Access Service (DIAS) in a cloud computing environment: https: //sentinel.esa. int / web / sentinel / sentinel-data-access

EDYTE also provides infrastructure for the operation of the “expert hub” and “pre-operations hub” that will share data from the new satellite observation mission of the Earth’s atmosphere “Sentinel-5P”.

Access to COPERNICUS data has special quantitative and qualitative characteristics that are reflected in 171,608 registered users, 90.18 PB of data download volume equivalent to 10,100,291 published image products with infrastructure availability of the above services of 99.30%.
