
e:Presence is offered to the academic and research community in Greece, enabling its members to schedule and conduct videoconferences which are characterized by high quality and interactivity. The service is secure and easily accessible, facilitating communications. It runs using low cost equipment, while pre-existing video conferencing infrastructures can be also used.

The video streams quality in the e:Presence virtual videoconference rooms can reach up to HD (1080p/30fps) while real time video adaptation is supported depending on the quality of the network connection, the capabilities of the terminal equipment.

The service fully meets the requirements set for conducting legitimate board meetings via conference calls for Greek universities and research institutions, as outlined in the Government Gazette (sheet No. 433, March 17, 2011, no. F.122.1/42/23076/B2). Indicatively, user authentication and encrypted communication is supported while full privacy and confidentiality of videoconferences are ensured.


More information is available at the e:Presence service website.