The main objective of the project is the financial support of tourism activity in municipalities and municipal units of the Region of Thessaly affected by the adverse effects of the flooding phenomena of September 2023 and in municipalities and municipal units of the Regional Unit of Evros of the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, affected by the adverse consequences of the fires of summer 2023, following a similar scheme of the previous year and following the model of the EviaSamos Pass 2022, North Evia Pass 2023 intangible debit cards.
The intangible debit card will be provided to every individual/beneficiary who is a tax resident of Greece and will contain a specific amount available to cover transport, catering and accommodation expenses in tourist businesses in the above mentioned areas.
This amount will be credited to the intangible debit card, which will be issued specifically for this reason by a Licensed Payment Service Provider, through the special payment service
application of the Single Digital Portal of the Public Administration gov gr.
The programme is divided into three destinations (Thessaly A, Thessaly B and Evros) and three calendar phases (July - August, September - October, November - December), while it concerns intangible digital debit cards, which beneficiaries will be able to use until the last day of the selected phase, for accommodation, catering and local transport costs in the above-mentioned affected areas.
The final beneficiaries will be identified by a draw of lots to be carried out by GRNET after the submission of applications has been completed, and the results will be posted on the programme's website.
It is estimated that a maximum of 35,000 beneficiaries will be subsidised through the action. The financial support is structured as follows:
- For Phases 1 (July to August) and 2 (September to October):
- One hundred (100) for those who choose 'Thessaly A Pass' as their destination.
- One hundred and fifty (150) for those who choose the 'Thessaly B Pass' as their destination.
- Two hundred (200) for those who choose the 'Evros Pass' as their destination.
- For Phase 3 (November - December):
- One hundred and eighty (180) euros for those who choose the 'Thessaly A Pass' as their destination.
- One hundred and eighty (180) euros for those who choose the 'Thessaly B Pass' as their destination.
- Two hundred and twenty (220) euros for those who choose the 'Evros Pass' as their destination.
Thessaly Evros Pass is implemented by GRNET, a body of the Ministry of Digital Governance, and is funded by the Public Investment Programme.
The service is implemented in cooperation with the Ministries of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, National Economy and Finance, Interior, Digital Governance and Tourism.