GR digiGOV-innoHUB

GR digiGOV innoHUB
EU (Digital Europe Programme 2021-2027), Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPAnEK)
1/1/2023 - 1/1/2026

“GR digiGOV-innoHUB” - The European Digital Innovation Hub for Digital Governance, of the Digital Europe Programme

The aim of the project is to strengthen the creation of a new generation of public and local government services for citizens and businesses, by utilising advanced digital technologies (mobile Internet, 5G, HPC, IoT, Cloud) and the scientific and business potential of the cooperating bodies.

The benefits that will arise from the implementation of the project are multiple:

  • Contribution to the development of the innovation ecosystem and the exploitation of Digital Governance as a platform for digital transformation and the evolution of the Public Sector into an investor and buyer of innovative solutions.
  • Provision of services that will contribute to the rapid development of innovative and efficient digital solutions, which utilise advanced ICT, with flexible and seamless collaborations between the public and private sectors, the academic community and civil society.
  • Creation of an experimental environment for the needs of the Central Government Portal, the officials of which will participate in the Hub's bodies and will contribute to the interaction with other public bodies.

The National Infrastructures for Research and Technology (GRNET) is the coordinator of the project and has undertaken the tasks related to skills, digital maturity assessment and the design of pilot actions, as well as networking and communication.

The beneficiaries of the Hub's services are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that create products and services of public interest, Public Authorities and bodies that need to accelerate their digital transformation, staff of organisations who want to upgrade their training and skills.

The GR digiGOV innoHUB Hub consists of a partnership of 16 organisations, with GRNET as the coordinator and the following partners:

  • Information Society S.A.
  • Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commissions (EETT)
  • National Centre for Public Administration & Local Government (EKDDA)

Academic and research institutions and laboratories:

  • National Technical University of Athens School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Institute of Communication & Computer Systems "ICCS"
  • Athena Research & Innovation Center in Information Communication & Knowledge Technologies
  • University of West Attica
  • Information Systems Technology Laboratory (ISTLab) of the Athens University of Economics and Business.
  • University of Crete
  • Ionian University
  • University of the Aegean
  • University of Macedonia
  • International Hellenic University

The network of scientists and professionals in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT):

  • Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS)
  • Greek Computer Society (GCS)

The project is implemented in the framework of the call of the European Commission "European Digital Innovation Hubs" of the Digital Europe 2021-2027 programme, for the creation of the European Digital Innovation Hub for Digital Governance.

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