
50% European Commision, 50% Ministry of Digital Governance
1/6/2023 - 30/12/2026

GovTech4All is a European initiative designed to promote a single service ecosystem in more than 18 countries. The project brings together 14 organisations from 10 countries to innovate and improve public sector technology.

The aim of GovTech4All is to foster the development of a pan-European market and GovTech ecosystem to deliver digital public services for European citizens and beyond.

The participation of GRNET focuses on three primary pilot projects for the first two years:

  1. The Secure Cross-Border Information Sharing initiative which aims to enhance secure communication and data exchange across European borders using advanced encryption techniques. The pilot proposal will be based on the One Only Technical System principle - which will be implemented in 2024 at EU level, and will be the first cross-sectoral initiative in data spaces for secure data sharing between governments.
  2. The Personal Regulation Assistant (PRA) project, which involves the implementation of Personal Regulation and Legislation Assistants (PRAs) and a digital tool to help citizens identify the benefits they are entitled to and apply for those benefits, as well as to enable assistants with digital capabilities but limited business knowledge to provide guidance to potential beneficiaries, thus promoting a proactive government approach.
  3. Finally, the GovTech Startup Challenge is about identifying and testing open innovation and procurement methods to find and scale digital solutions that could help European institutions to use energy more efficiently and maximise the positive impact of reducing energy consumption. The Startup Challenge will seek solutions from startups and scale-ups already in the market with high levels of technology readiness (TRL).

In addition, GRNET has undertaken the coordination, supervision and proper execution of the scale-up, which has the following main objectives:

  • Evaluate and identify from the key pilots of the project, potential reusable solutions and innovative technologies that can support existing or new public services
  • Propose further activities such as large-scale pilots or new functional components to be made available through a Common Service Platform.

Through the three pilots, the project will seek to:

  • Raise awareness among all stakeholders about the benefits and ways to reuse the solutions developed, through various events (e.g. roadshows, presentations, workshops, etc.)
  • Develop a public online marketplace where stakeholders can network, present their work, exchange and provide relevant opportunities
  • Ensure the commitment of public sector agencies and institutions to adopt a co-creation approach to the procurement of new services that match their needs in the developed solutions, under the concepts of Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) and Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI)
  • Propose large-scale pilots with stakeholders in order to facilitate multi-state synergies
  • Facilitate the assessment of digital maturity of public entities and improvement of the technology readiness level (TRL) and business readiness level (BRL) of related projects

The participation of GRNET has multiple benefits for the public sector, including contributing to the development of a new generation of digital services and strengthening the ecosystem of digital governance innovators. Participation and cooperation with other European bodies will accelerate the next steps in improving public sector technology and enrich service delivery with international expertise and interoperability.

The Framework Partnership Agreement - FPA brings together national govtech initiatives in a consortium of 28 digital organisations from 19 European countries:

Technical University of Denmark (Denmark)

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications (Estonia)

Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM) (France)

Govtech Campus Deutschland (Germany)

GovMind GmbH (Germany)

Dataport (Germany)

National Infrastructures for Research and Technology (GRNET) (Greece)

Ministry of Digital Governance (Greece)

Department for Digital Transformation in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (Italy)

Digital Accelerator of Latvia (DAoL) (Latvia)

Innovation Agency (Lithuania)

ICTU Foundation (Digicampus) (The Netherlands)

Wildtriumphs LDA (Beta-I) (Portugal)

Gobe (Spain)

Lantik -Government of Biscay (Spain)

Municipality of Madrid (Spain)

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation (Spain)

Agency for Technological Modernisation of Galicia (AMTEGA) (Spain)

Centre de Telecomunicacions I Tecnologies de la Informatio (CTTI) (Spain)

Bron Innovation, Govtech Sweden (Sweden)

Ministry of Digital Transformation (Ukraine)

Ukrainian Startup Fund (Ukraine)

Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA)(Malta)

Fjarsysla Rikisins (Iceland)

Ministry of Digital Transformation (North Macedonia)

Fundacja Digitality (Poland)

Direktoratet for forvaltning og økonomistyring (Norway)

The Lisbon Council (Belgium), Coordinator

The (Frame Partnership Agreement (FPA) of the project is of four-year duration and is divided into Specific Grant Agreements (SGA). Within the framework of the first SGA, GovTech4All is implemented, in which GRNET participates. In 2025, the 2nd SGA is expected to start with a further 2 years duration. The project is implemented under the Digital Europe Programme.