EOSC EU NODE (Managed Services for the Development,Integration, Deployment and Operations of the Federated EOSC Core Platform)

Horizon Europe
36 months

The EOSC EU Node project aims to create a platform that supports multidisciplinary and multinational research, promoting the use of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data and complementary services in Europe, enabling researchers to collaborate more effectively and promote progress in Open Science.

Within the platform, researchers can find easy-to-use tools and the necessary support, both individually and collectively, to plan, execute, disseminate and evaluate their typical research workflows and results in the EOSC ecosystem.

As a benefit, the services provided for the implementation of the EOSC EU Node offer a full set of capabilities, giving researchers and scientific resource providers a powerful tool to participate in and utilise Open Science.

The EU Node platform supports the development of the EOSC federation, following the architectural principle of a "system" architecture for federated research infrastructures. By providing a technical and administrative blueprint as well as an interoperability framework, it contributes to the creation of other candidate infrastructure nodes.

The EOSC Open Science Cloud (EOSC) EU Node project is the first reference implementation of a gateway designed for open access to scientific data, publications, software and services, and can be recognised as the first European-level EOSC Federation Node promoted by the European Commission as a production operational platform.

It is addressed to:

Researchers, with an interest in multi-disciplinary and multi-national data-driven open sciences, giving them access to interoperable and reusable data, publications, software, and services.

Contributors, such as scientific resource providers with European interest or potential node candidates at a national/regional domain or thematic cluster.

Contributor Categories:

  • Repositories
  • Research Infrastructures
  • Technology and Infrastructure Providers
  • Software Developers and IT Professionals
  • Industry Partners

The role of GRNET in the project is that of a subcontractor to the EGI Foundation (named subcontractor), and concerns the procurement of "Managed Services for the Development, Integration, Deployment and Operations of the Federated EOSC Core Platform".

The objective of participating in this process is to continue the provision of  EOSC Core AAI services (as well as Monitoring, Accounting and Messaging) to the EOSC Core Platform for 3 years (36 months), which started with the European EOSC Future project.

Participating Partners:

  1. Athena Research and Innovation Centre in Information Communication and Knowledge Technologies
  2. Stichting EGI
  4. OpenAIRE AMKE