
European Commission
02/01/2020 - 02/07/2021

Integrating the Greek Justice System with eIDAS and e-signature services

The European project eThemisID focuses on the interconnection of e-Justice services in the eIDAS infrastructure. More specifically, it aims at integrating the digital infrastructure services eID DSI and eSignature with the already existing systems of the Greek Justice system in order to enable elDAS cross-border authentication and e-signature services to end-users at a pan-European level.

The portal of the Council of State, as a service provider, will be connected to the Greek node, eIDAS, allowing EU citizens and legal entities having administrative/legal disputes with the Greek Public Sector, to use electronic services in order to communicate with the relevant Greek authorities. The cross-border certification based on eIDAS will cover a number of e-services offered by the Greek Council of State.

The implementation of the connection of the portal with the Greek node eIDAS will become available as a free software /open source software package so that it can be used by other Greek courts for easy integration.

Moreover, the project will support the capabilities for (digital) e-sign and e-validation - eSeal, for all e-documents issued through automated delivery mechanisms in the Greek services portal of the Council of State. In this way, all documents produced at the request of a citizen /legal entity, will be digitally signed. E-Seal capabilities will be enabled for the 41 administrative courts of the Greek Council of State.

The open-source toolkit will be also prepared for other organizations, such as other courts wishing to use the eIDAS-compliant shipping service.

By the end of the project, the Greek Council of State portal shall be made available in production environment for cross-border authentication (via eIDAS) and for e-Seal capabilities based on the DSI DSS e-Signature tool.