Services Portfolio Management Service

AGORA is a tool for managing a “service portfolio”. It is addressed to the management board of an organization, to oversee all services, tools and products that it either uses internally or provides to its customers. Interrelationships of services and possible external dependencies are also described. The tool automatically generates a list of services available to customers.

AGORA operates under an umbrella organization whose members are various academic institutions, as is the case with the European project EOSC-HUB. Its users are representatives of Institutions that record through this tool the services they have developed and provide. The tool supports the detailed recording of a service, including a) its available versions, b) the level of maturity, and c) user support. It also supports the recording of so-called service components. The architecture of the tool is based on the FitSM protocol and implements the service description template (Service Description Template SDT v1.1) as jointly agreed by EGI, EUDAT & eInfracentral.

Institutions are listed as service providers by the tool administrator. Ordinary users are then registered in the system and identified using the federal AAI and SAML. The administrator undertakes their assignment with the institutions – services. Then a user can register a service on behalf of his institution. From the logs in the tool emerges a list of available services, which is posted on the page of the umbrella operator. This list is aimed at researchers looking for available services.