ARGO Messaging Service

Messaging Service

ARGO messaging service allows for sending and receiving messages between independent applications, in a synchronous and asynchronous manner. It offers the flexibility and reliability of message-oriented middleware. It is an expandable and durable messaging service, which is the cornerstone of most modern data analysis mechanisms. At the same time, offering the possibility of asynchronous sharing of messages with multiple senders and recipients, it allows the secure communication of different systems regardless of the method or the language of their implementation.

How it works

The service is based on the Publish / Subscribe model and implements the Google Pub / Sub protocol. In the Publish / Subscribe model, publishers are users / systems that post messages to specific channels called Topics. Subscribers are users / systems that create Subscriptions on specific topics and consume messages. The service provides an HTTP API that allows users / systems to post or consume messages in real time. The Service provides long-lasting and durable messaging that helps developers to quickly integrate their systems.
Finally, the service supports both pull and push messaging model.


The service is used and has been used by services participating in European Projects such as EOSC-HUB, EUDAT, EGI, SeaDataCloud.

ARGO Messaging Service