GRNET's "Zeus Electronic Ballot" system is declared as the official system for conducting electoral processes by electronic voting for Rector's elections, single-member bodies and Directors of Clinics, Laboratories and Museums.

ΕΝ Zeus
The Government Newspaper (Government Newspaper Issue B ‘2481 / 22.06.2020 -GR text) published the decision defining a digital voting process for the election of the single-member bodies of the academic units of the Rector and the Vice-Chancellors of universities, as well as the Directors of Clinics, Laboratories and Museums that operate within the academic units of the universities. The text specifies that the above voting procedure will be conducted via  GRNET’s “ZEUS Electronic Ballot” system .
“ZEUS Electronic Ballot” is a system developed and provided by GRNET S.A, based on internationally recognized technological standards which ensure the inviolability and confidentiality of the electoral process. Both the preparation of the vote by the current authority and the submission of the vote by the voters are conducted remotely via the Internet. The integrity of the ballot is mathematically verifiable by all interested parties through the use of cryptography, and without any breach of confidentiality. ZEUS information system has served more than 830 elections and over 230,000 voters from Greek Universities and other bodies in Greece and abroad (Scientific Associations, Societies, etc.). You can find out more about how you can cast your e-votes via ZEUS’s Electronic Ballot system here: