The aim of the project “Nostradamus: Testing and evaluation infrastructure for EuroQCI” is to build an infrastructure in which tests around quantum key distribution (QKD) will be carried out for the European Quantum Communication Infrastructure (EuroQCI) initiative.
EuroQCI aims to create a highly secure pan-European communications network based on quantum technology.
QKD is a secure communication method for exchanging encryption keys, known only between common parties. It uses properties found in quantum mechanics to exchange cryptographic keys in a way that guarantees security.
The development of the quantum communication infrastructure (EuroQCI) will, as a main benefit, provide greater security for data centres, communication networks and critical infrastructures such as hospitals and power stations, through the use of fibre optics and satellites.
The implementation of this project includes the gradual identification, prioritisation and development of control methods and protocols that will allow the replication and benchmarking of the capabilities and performance of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) devices and systems. The methods to be developed will address security and non-security issues.
The benefits that will be gained for security issues include:
- the establishment of a 'product security baseline for EuroQCI components' (this should be carried out in cooperation with the relevant National Security Authorities, organised by the Commission services); and
- the development and construction of a testing infrastructure necessary to evaluate, according to common criteria, security products implementing quantum cryptography.
The non-security issues are expected to cover functional and non-functional properties of QKD systems.
GRNET will participate in the project as a subcontractor of the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), and will deal with the following project tasks:
- Detailed prioritisation of the components/systems requiring testing and evaluation, as well as the list of corresponding characteristics/properties for which test protocols are required to be defined, in order to ensure the appropriate implementation of the EuroQCI infrastructure, and more specifically of the products requiring safety certification, with priority to the needs of the EuroQCI ground segment.
- Detailed definition of the test protocols/methods, for each group of systems, with an approach to the relevant characteristics/properties to be tested, validated and assessed.
- Definition of the necessary documentation for the security baseline required for the manufacture and evaluation of security products subject to security certification and/or approval, with a view to establishing a EuroQCI system capable of providing key material up to SECRET EU/EU SECRET level or equivalent.
Participating partners in the project are:
- Deutsche Telecom (Germany) (Coordinator)
- THALES (France)
- Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria)
The project is funded by Digital Europe Framework Programme and Connecting Europe Facility - CEF Digital.