Intangible Digital Debit Card for the support of Tourism – North Evia Pass 2023

Άυλη ψηφιακή κάρτα για τη στήριξη του Τουρισμού – North Evia Pass 2023
Public Investment Programme, Special Emergency Response Program 2021-2025
23/8/2023 - 29/3/2024

The main objective of the project “Intangible Digital Debit Card for the  support of Tourism - North Evia Pass 2023”  is to boost the demand for domestic tourism and the economic support of tourism activity in the areas of North Evia which were affected by the deadly fires of August 2021.

Specifically, a plan is proposed in order to support tourism in the above affected areas, through the use of an intangible debit card, along the lines of the North Evia-Samos Pass, Freedom Pass and Fuel Pass.

The intangible debit card, which will be provided to each adult natural person/beneficiary, will contain a specific amount available to cover the costs of transport, catering and accommodation, in tourist establishments in the above mentioned areas.

This amount will be credited to the intangible debit card, which will be issued specifically for this purpose by a credit institution or financial institution, through the special application of the Single Digital Portal of the Public Administration (

The above financial support will amount to one hundred and fifty (150) euros for the Municipality of Mantoudi - Limni - Agia Anna and one hundred (100) euros for the Municipality of Istiaia - Edipsos.

The total project consists of the following 3 sub-projects:

  • Sub-project 1: Grant to beneficiaries of the action, to cover the costs of transport, catering and accommodation in the areas of North Evia, in order to financially support the tourist activity of these areas.
  • Sub-project 2: Design, development, operation and support of the Information System of the Action which includes all the actions required for the development of the Information System (IS) supporting the application process for the issuance of the digital debit card of the beneficiaries.
  • Sub-project 3: Supporting services for the implementation of the project, which includes all actions required for the requirements analysis, specification, operation and support of the Information System supporting the application process for the issuance of the digital debit card for the beneficiaries, as well as supporting actions required for the successful implementation of the project. It includes all actions of stakeholder coordination, requirements analysis, collection of specifications, operational day-to-day operations and effective support and assistance to individual categories of users (beneficiaries, financial institutions, control bodies, etc.). All of the above actions contribute to enable the smooth payment of the emergency financial assistance to the beneficiaries in the most efficient way.

Subproject 3 will be implemented through a Programme Agreement to be concluded between the Ministry of Digital Governance, which as the Proposing and Funding Agency is actively involved in the design and implementation of the above action, and GRNET, which has the extensive experience and  expertise, since it has designed, implemented, developed and successfully supported the project "Intangible digital card to support tourism - Evia Samos Pass for the year 2022", as well as other relevant projects, actions and programmes concerning Information Systems for the submission of applications by a large number of users. 

The scope of the programme contract will be ""Support services for the implementation of the project" of the Act: "Intangible Digital Card for the support of Tourism - North Evia Pass 2023"", will have a duration of seven (07) months and a total budget of 132.800,00 €, including VAT (24%).