“Ntantades tis geitonias”

“Νταντάδες της Γειτονιάς”
NSRF 14-20, “Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning” OP / «Human Resources and Social Cohesion» OP 2021-2027
1/2/2022 - 31/12/2024


The "Ntantades tis geitonias" programme is part of the framework of actions to reconcile family and professional life, which is one of the key objectives of the European Equality Strategy for the coming years.

The purpose of the programme is mainly concerned with the care of infants aged between two months and 2.5 years and provides for the financial support of working parents, single parents, sponsors and the family in general across the board, for the care of their child or children, either within the family home or at the home of a childcare worker.

The implementation of the project, in which the Hellenic Society for Local Development and Local Government and GRNET are co-beneficiaries, will initially take place on a pilot level in 61 municipalities of the country and will then be gradually implemented throughout the country in 13 regions in representative geographical areas, selected on the basis of demographic and geospatial criteria concerning local needs for home care for infants and toddlers, by the General Secretariat for Family Policy and Gender Equality.

In the first phase, the " Registry of Custodians " will be created. The ntantades.gov.gr  platform will be opened in order to register those who wish to be employed as custodians.

In a second phase, the platform will be opened for parents interested in the "Ntantades tis geitonias" programme, in order to submit an application and the necessary documents.

The two main benefits of the project are:

  • the support and facilitation of women mothers and guardians, in order to achieve their full reintegration into the labour market and the continuation of their professional career after having a child, and
  • reducing undeclared work by encouraging mainly unemployed women to work as childcare workers.

The role of GRNET is to design, implement, install, initially operate and support an interface system/platform between parents or guardians of infants or toddlers benefiting from the programme on the one hand and caregivers on the other.

The system, mainly through interoperability, collects data on natural persons applying for one or the other status and manages the related records.  It supports contracting between the two parties and collects data for the certification of the physical object.

The Information System (IS) acts as a registry, but also as a service point, since all transactions of the parties concerned (parents and guardians) are carried out through the IS.

Eligible Beneficiaries are:

  • natural, foster or adoptive mothers with an infant or young child, working in either the public or private sector in any form of employment, including self-employed persons
  • natural, adoptive or foster fathers, who have sole parental responsibility for an infant or young child, working in either the public or private sector in any form of employment, including self-employment
  • any person who has been awarded sole custody of an infant or young child by a court decision or a public prosecutor's order and is employed in either the public or private sector in any form of employment, including self-employed persons
  • natural, foster or adoptive mothers with an infant or young child, who are registered with DYPA as unemployed.


A total of 800 beneficiaries are expected to be financed through the operation, of which 300 beneficiaries are unemployed (including the long-term unemployed) and 500 beneficiaries are employed (including the self-employed).

The action is implemented under the operational programme "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020" and then through the NSRF sectoral programme "Human Resources and Social Cohesion 2021 - 2027".