AARC Technical Revision to Enhance Effectiveness (AARC-TREE)

AARC Technical Revision to Enhance Effectiveness (AARC-TREE)
Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON)
1/3/2024 - 28/2/2026

The aim of the "AARC Technical Revision to Enhance Effectiveness (AARC TREE)" project is to define common strategies for the development of Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructures in pan-European research infrastructures.

The project aims to enhance the effectiveness of the existing successful AARC system, which is an Authentication and Authorisation for Research Collaboration (AARC) model.

The AARC TREE project will define common strategies for the development of Authentication and Authorisation (AARC) infrastructures in pan-European research infrastructures, resulting in improved access and sharing of scientific resources and improved interoperability of research infrastructures between scientific communities in different subject areas.

The main objectives of the AARC Tree project are:

  • To capture and analyse the new interaction requirements for authentication and authorisation arising from the evolution of research infrastructures in order to support the integration of use cases in the subject areas and improve the user experience.
  • To define and implement an updated architecture standard for the deployment of new technologies and services in pan-European research infrastructures.
  •  To further expand and support the existing AARC community in order to adopt, improve and further exploit existing capabilities.
  • To bring together research infrastructures to align their strategies and to connect with other infrastructure and data managers such as GAIA-X, Dataspaces, EU wallets and eIDs.

The role of GRNET is to provide technical guidance on the AARC system architecture, with the aim of producing an updated version of the existing AARC Blueprint Architecture (BPA) and a set of related technical guidelines.

The updated system architecture will result in an improved user experience when accessing authentication and authorization services (AAI) that are compatible with the AARC Blueprint Architecture. Also, the updated system architecture and technical guidance created by GRNET will provide additional support for new federal identification models such as OpenID Connect Feredations, enable the use of the EU ID wallet, and finally enable increased assurance through support for the eIDAS framework, the regulation for electronic identification in electronic transactions in the EU.

The project will be 100% funded by the EU under the European Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON).

Participating partners:

  1.  NORDUNET A/S (Denmark) (Coordinator)
  2.  GEANT VERENIGING (Netherlands)
  3.  NWO-I (Netherlands)
  4.  GRNET S.A (Greece)
  5.  EGI Foundation (Netherlands)
  7.  MU (Masarykova univerzita) (Czech Republic)


