GR-IX, the Greek Internet Exchange breaks new high traffic records twice, in October 2023

GR-IX, the Greek Internet Exchange, broke its traffic record twice during the month of October 2023, once on October 22nd by reaching 847 Gbps and for a second time when it reached 860 Gbps on October 30th, reaching the highest traffic record ever since its inception.

GR-IX is a neutral and independent Internet Exchange, the mission of which is to facilitate the exchange of Internet traffic and to accelerate Internet growth in Greece.

GR-IX constitutes a critical national Internet infrastructure as it interconnects all major Internet players in Greece, such as Internet service providers, content providers, cloud providers etc. GR-IX is owned by the National Infrastructures for Research and Technology (GRNET), which, being a non-profit, state-owned company, guarantees the neutrality and independence of the Internet Exchange.

GR-IX was founded in 2009 as a successor of the Athens Internet Exchange (AIX), which was initially established in 1999.