ELIXIR-GR – H ελληνική ερευνητική υποδομή για τη διαχείριση και ανάλυση δεδομένων στις βιοεπιστήμες
ΕΠΑνΕΚ / ΕΣΠΑ 2014-2020
01/01/2017 - 30/9/2023

ELIXIR-GR - The Greek research infrastructure for data management and analysis in life sciences. 

The Hellenic Research Infrastructure for Data Management and Analysis in Life Sciences ELIXIR-GR follows the model of creating a distributed cloud infrastructure environment sharing the basic infrastructure of servers, storage space (disks and tapes) installed by GRNET. Infrastructure already existing locally at the partners was interconnected in a private network over the existing fiber optic network of GRNET with the appropriate extensions. Advanced networking techniques are used to provide ultra-fast private and fully secure interconnection networks. The network connections can even be extended abroad to other ELIXIR nodes to access their services.  

Within the scope of the project, the requirements for the supply and installation are being recorded: 

 • Computer infrastructure for hosting servers - sharing computer resources. 

 • Storage infrastructure (disks - data films). 

 • Network equipment necessary for the connection in a virtual network of the local networks of the ELIXIR node partners by using the electronic infrastructure HELIX. 

The latest technological developments in the field of modern digital infrastructure for research are monitored, specifically in the following areas:  

  • Server Architecture and cloud – Virtualization 
  • Central partitioned storage media for direct access and archiving  
  • Configuration and support of specialized virtual networks and network control by software  

are subject to constant evolution into standardization organizations, equipment manufacturers and service providers worldwide. 




