HELIX – Εθνικές ψηφιακές υποδομές για την Έρευνα
ΕΠΑνΕΚ / ΕΣΠΑ 2014-2020
ΕΠΑνΕΚ / ΕΣΠΑ 2014-2020

Aim of the project is to expand/ upgrade and make available for use by research infrastructures of the country, the e-infrastuctures National Network and Computational Research Infrastructure (NNCRI), OpenAIRE-D and HELNET, jointly referred to under the single title “National Digital Infrastructures for Research” (HELIX) in the National Research Infrastructures Roadmap. As part of the project, GRNET implements the NNCRI part of the project.  

The project is implemented in partnership with the following organizations:  

  • The Research Center for Innovation in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies - "Athena", which implements OpenAIRE-D part of the project.
  • The University of Thessaly - Special Account for Research Funds (ELKE), which implements the HELNET part of the project.