GRNET participates in EUDAT Conference 2024

GRNET participates in the EUDAT Conference, held at the ZKM Karlsruhe (Center for Art and Media), on December 3-5, 2024.

The EUDAT Conference is EUDAT’s flagship event which provides a forum for the latest developments in research data management and enabling tools and solutions. 

During the conference, attendees share and discuss the latest innovations and developments with delegates from different research fields that use alternative solutions, exchange best practices and experiences, and get to present their demos and posters or participate in sessions.

The first day of the event involves sessions that showcase Research Data Management (RDM) solutions that address the research data lifecycle, using posters that exhibit some of the innovators in the field and allow networking opportunities. 

On the first day, Themis Zamani, Head of Implementation Unit of European Infrastructures and Projects Directorate at GRNET presents:



The second and third day of the conference are dedicated to providing a holistic view of the fast-changing landscape of the developments on a European level, with sessions that handle topics such as EOSC, the Data Spaces, the connection with HPC and sensitive data handling.

On the second day, Themis Zamani participates in the 09:30-11:00 – Aligning national infrastructures with EOSC session, where she presents the status of the Greek national infrastructures.

Finally, Themis Zamani and Irina Skopouli participate in the FAIRCORE4EOSC Beyond Workshop that takes place on December 5th, which is reserved for project members of FAIRCORE4EOSC and EΟSC Beyond

The conference is aimed at anyone with an interest in research data management, but also to:


  • Members of the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)
  • Researchers and citizen scientists, repository and community managers
  • Actors in the EOSC community, ESFRI, science clusters, and research infrastructures
  • Projects, research institutions and national and European initiatives
  • Service providers interested in EUDAT
  • Current and prospective EUDAT users and user communities

More information and a detailed programme of the conference can be found here.