GRNET participates at PIDfest taking place in Prague, Czech Republic, 11-13 of June 2024

The National Infrastructures for Research and Technology – GRNET participates at PIDfest, taking place in Prague, Czech Republic between 11th to 13th of June 2024. PID fest is a three-day international summit of talks, activities and workshops focussing on how persistent identifiers can deliver world-class research infrastructure. The goal of the event is to bring together PID advocates, users, and leaders from around the world to solve real world infrastructure challenges that will accelerate research and innovation. 

In this year’s event, GRNET is represented by Themis Zamani, Head of the Implementation Unit (European Infrastructures and Projects Directorate) at GRNET, participating in four panels and co-presenting:

  • GRNET’s participation at the Task Force of EOSC Association 
  • the services that have been developed within the context of FAIRCORE4EOSC project that GRNET participates in and  
  • the ePIC consortium that GRNET is a member of, dedicated to advancing Persistent Identifiers.

More specifically GRNET participates at the following sessions:

“PID Metaresolver to support data management processes” (Sven Bingert, Themis Zamani). 

Introducing the PID Metaresolver that has been developed within the context of  FAIRCORE4EOSC

“A consortium for Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) – ePIC” (Tibor Kalman, Themis Zamani) 

Introducing ePIC, the consortium dedicated to advancing Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) for robust data management.

Introducing the Compliance Assessment Toolkit developed in the context of the FAIRCORE4EOSC project. A valuable Knowledge Base for PID Stacks within EOSC, offering comprehensive information, resources, and concrete examples of existing PID stacks (e.g., DOIs, ORCIDs) along with guidelines and best practices. 

“PID Policy & Implementation” – 2 years of an EOSC Association Task Force (Tibor Kalman, Themis Zamani). 

Co-Presenting the participation at the EOSC Association Task Force.

More information on the event can be found here.