EU MATCH POINT Conference, Athens. Science for Society

The EU MATCH POINT Conference. Athens. Science for Society will take place on October 30–31, 2023 in Athens, under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Digital Governance and the Cultural Informatics, Data, and Computational Cultural Studies Lab of Panteion University of Athens. 

This European initiative addresses scientific research topics (i.e. artificial intelligence, digital transformation and social cohesion) and the impact on society. Stefanos Kollias, Chairman of the Board of National Infrastructures for Research and Technology, Professor at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens, will address the audience with a welcome note, on behalf of the Ministry of Digital Governance.

Presentations by scientists from Greece and abroad will be held, as well as roundtables for the development of initiatives and collaborations within the framework of European funding:

Day 1: Digital Transformation and Social Cohesion. Artificial Intelligence and Gamification Technologies at the Service of Society.

Day 2: Match-meeting, Mutual Partnership Tables.


The conference is organised by XENIOS POLIS, CSI Cyprus and EUROERGASIAKI 

and supported by the Department of Public Health Policy at the University of West Attica and the National School of Public Administration.


More information here 

Agenda of the event here

Presentation abstracts here 

YouTube live streaming here