DC4EU project’s Technical Workshop in Athens, on September 26-27

The Technical Workshop of the Digital Credentials for Europe (DC4EU) project took place in GRNET ’s Athens premises, on September 26-27, 2023. The project aims at enabling citizens to use the future European Digital Identity Wallet for their educational credentials, and social security.

During the Workshop, 19 experts from the project’s consortium of organizations attended physically to share their expertise, discuss and plan the future of the project, together with a number of online participants joining them from all over Europe.

GRNET participates in the project consortium alongside 81 organizations from 20 EU Member States, as well as from Norway and Ukraine. Its role includes participation in the process of developing and integrating the eIDAS toolkit development that will lead to the European Digital Identity Wallet (EUDIW), as well as participation in the basic design and implementation activities related educational credentials and professional qualifications and in the development of a common testing framework.

In addition, GRNET will have a leading role in the coordination of all interactions between the DC4EU project and the European Commission, the eIDAS Expert Group and other relevant cross-border initiatives and relevant stakeholders.

The project is funded by the Digital Europe Programme, under the proposal “Digital Credentials for Europe”, with 50% funding from the European Commission and 50% from the Greek Ministry of Digital Governance.

Read more about DC4EU in the official project web portal here.