Press Release : GRNET supports actions enabling the European Open Science Cloud implementation – EOSC

GRNET – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology, a public sector company operating under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Governance, actively supports actions that enable the European Open Science Cloud implementation – EOSC implementation and promotion by participating in five new European projects funded by Horizon 2020.
Open Science Cloud projects are complementary to on-going actions which are being implemented at European level, supporting an integrated approach to address the technological, legislative and administrative challenges arising during the transition to EOSC. 
The objectives of the EOSC are open access to resources, services and data to researchers, research organizations and universities in order to facilitate the conduct of research work in a collaborative way for the benefit of society, contributing to the vision of Open Science. In this effort GRNET constitutes a reliable partner offering expertise  in coordinating European projects in the area of e-Infrastructures and digital services, including  the NI4OS-Europe – National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe project. GRNET contributes to the EOSC ecosystem with expertise, e-Infrastructures and digital services and actively enables the implementation and promotion of EOSC objectives, by supporting its policies and its governance.  
More specifically, the five new European projects which commenced in 2021 are the following:

  • EGI-ACE: Advanced Computing for EOSC. The main goal is to deliver the EOSC Compute Platform and contribute to the EOSC Data Commons through a federation of cloud compute and storage facilities, PaaS services and data spaces with analytics tools and federated access services.
  • EOSC Future. EOSC Future will interconnect and integrate digital infrastructures, Open Science national initiatives and research communities to EOSC, aiming to further enhance the EOSC Portal.
  • Copernicus – EOSC AnaLytics Engine: C-Scale. EOSC web portal will be amplified with integrated data and computational e-Infrastructures and services aiming to facilitate the Copernicus project in terms of discovery, access, processing, analysis and sharing of data, tools, resources and services.
  • Data Infrastructure Capacity for EOSC – DICE. The project aims to enable a European storage and data management infrastructure for EOSC, providing generic services and building blocks to store, find, access and process data in a consistent and persistent way.
  • OpenAIRE-NEXUS – Implementing Open science in EOSC. It will provide a set of advanced services at European level aiming to empower and support EOSC towards the transition to Open Science.

Apart from supporting and implementing the European Open Science Cloud policies, GRNET will offer infrastructures, resources and services (HPC, Cloud Computing & Storage) and will ensure their integrated management; emphasis will be given to security aspects by the means of monitoring the availability and reliability of e-Infrastructures (Argo – Availability and Reliability Monitoring & Messaging), and providing authentication and authorization infrastructure for users (AAI – Authentication Authorization Infrastructure).
GRNET’ s experience and expertise in developing e-Infrastructures and digital services has helped form a solid basis for cooperation with other European partners, enabling the active participation of all interested communities in all relevant European initiatives, continuously supporting the development of Open Science Cloud.
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