EU Project DIVA Webinar | IP Issues and Protection of Digital Innovations: Data protection and valuation

IP Issues and Protection Of Digital Innovations : Data protection and valuation

13/10/2020 | 11:00 – 12:00 CEST

Recent news prove that data processing becomes more and more present in our everyday life. On the other side of the Atlantic, valuation of well-known digital start-ups (Uber, WhatsApp, …) takes into account this kind of intangible. Closer to us and in particular within DIVA European project, initiatives show us that data play an important role in modern agriculture.
When dealing with data valuation, two essential aspects are to be taken into account :

  • the ownership, if any, of such data and the compliance with the data protection framework
  • the possibility to value such data.

This interactive webinar will be presented in English by Franck DELAMER, Patent Attorney and specialist in data protection and valuation at REGIMBEAU, France.
Link for registration :