GRNET supports the “Digital Innovation Initiatives Against COVID-19” announced by the Ministry of Digital Governance.

GRNET supports the “Digital Innovation Initiatives Against COVID-19” announced by the Ministry of Digital Governance and encourages you to participate.
These initiatives will be linked to the European Commission’s Pan-European Competition #EUvsVirus, as a single national participation by the name #GreeceVsVirus.
All associated actions aim to pursue new innovative ideas and the rapid implementation of mature digital solutions, with top priority the support of the National Health System, as well as aiming to connect civil society, innovators, partners and investors across Europe in order to develop innovative solutions for coronavirus-related challenges.
The detailed description of the initiatives of the Ministry of Digital Governance, as well as the presentation of process for the submission and evaluation of the proposals, are available at
Official Press Release from Ministry of Digital Governance (GR):
Official page of all Initiatives:
Official Pan-European Competition page:
Official Facebook Page of the action:
Official Twitter page of the action:
Official hashtags of the actions: #GreeceVsVirus #COVIDhackGR #EUvsVirus